






《Where the Wild Things Are》預告片極為巧妙的選用Arcade Fire的Wake Up做配樂,使這部片順理成章的成為我下半年度最期待的電影之一。

當覺得成長很痛的時候就聽歌吧。(當然《蘭花賊》導演與Carter Burwell + Karen O.的電影配樂也真夠吸引人了。)


Wake Up  by Arcade Fire

Somethin' filled up
my heart with nothin'
someone told me not to cry.

But now that I'm older,
my heart's colder,
and I can see that it's a lie.

Children wake up,
hold your mistake up,
before they turn the summer into dust.

If the children don’t grow up,
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.
We're just a million little god's causin rain storms turnin' every good thing to rust.

I guess we'll just have to adjust.

With my lighnin' bolts a glowin'
I can see where I am goin' to be
when the reaper he reaches and touches my hand.

With my lighnin' bolts a glowin'
I can see where I am goin'
With my lighnin' bolts a glowin'
I can see where I am go-goin'

You better look out below!







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